Tis the month of LOVE but why limit love to romance?
At Parkview & Ranchero we love all sorts of things, especially the library, learning, and reading .

Thus join us in this worthy celebration by considering the following contests:
1. Name Your Favourite Book or Author Draw – fill out the forms located in the office
and library & enter in the draw container (office Mon/Thu/Fri & library
– Feb. 19th, 20th, 26th, 27th, 1 person per day
Dust Jacket Cover
– for the artistic type
design a new dust jacket cover for a Parkview or Ranchero Library fiction or non-fiction
for submissions is Wed Feb. 27thth. 1st,
2nd, & 3rd place winners announced Wed. Feb. 20th
3. Character or Favourite Passion Dress Up Day – Dress
up as a favourite book character or simply as something that you LOVE: a pet,
your fav sport, your fav hobby, etc!
Tues., Feb 26th – meet in the library at lunch for
judging and « Pass the Book » activity.
4. "Prove You’re the Best Fan"
Writing Competition – See posters for more details, Cassie or Ms. Murrells
for submissions is Tue., Feb. 26th. Winner announced Tue., March 5th
Happy reading, learning, and loving. The world can never have too much LOVE in it! Ms. Murrells.