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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Activities at the Okanagan Regional Library (ORL) This Week

As always the ORL wants to stimulate your brain over Spring Break as well as entertain you. Thus check out their web site and learn about their activities. 

I recall Origami workshop at 2pm today, board games on Thursday (2:30) & a Spring Scavenger Hunt March 21-through April 2nd

No images today as this is a post from my phone & I can't figure out how to insert pictures! Happy Spring Break to all. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Eagle Video Cameras in BC

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CBC has collected various video cam feeds around BC re Eagles.  Check them out - amazing!

Global BC morning news, March 20th, highlighted the Bald Eagles - "Mr President" and "The First Lady"  Click below image to watch the video cam:

Spring Poetry


Wondrously February withdraws to
warm March with a golden glow
from Spring’s shining sun sent
down to lead the way
for April’s soothing showers
soon to bring fragrant flowers
and dance on May’s blossoming bounty.
~ by ~


It is springtime, it is springtime
Winter’s gone, winter’s gone
Summer time is coming, summer time is coming
It won’t be long, it won’t be long.
~ Author Unknown ~


Open the windows and open the door
And let the fresh breezes blow in, blow in.
Jack Frost has gone to his home in the north
And all of a sudden it’s Spring!
~ Author Unknown ~

Nature Will Find a Way ...

I hope you remembered and enjoyed turning off your lights for Earth Hour.  Find more times that you can reduce your energy use in your house.  Happy Spring Break!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Journée Internationale de la Francophonie, 20 Mars, 2016

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Image result for journée internationale de la francophonie 2016

Earth Hour / Une Heure Pour la Terre, 19 Mars, Samedi, Sat., March 19, 2016

"As Canadians, we choose a future where climate change is no longer a threat. Participating in WWF’s Earth Hour is a simple way to show that you want to be a part of the solution and it sends a powerful message that together we can make a difference.
Canada will be encouraging participants to turn off their lights for an hour and to share their participation on social media using the hashtag[s] #uneheurepourlaterre " #ChangeClimateChange

Friday, March 11, 2016

How to Draw Owls

Mr. J's class took on this challenge today.  Below are a couple of clips to help you out.  Have fun if you try one!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Iditarod - "The Last Great Race," Sat., March 5th, 2016

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Image result for balto the dog who saved nome  

A future Clevelander was the hero of the run that inspired the Iditarod. Or so legend has it.
The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race first ran to Nome in 1973, in honor of the route that was Alaska's central artery when dog team was the main means of travel. The trail's last burst of glory came in 1925, when serum delivered by a relay of teams saved icebound Nome from a diphtheria epidemic.
Musher Leonhard Seppala and his lead dog, Togo, ran the longest and most dangerous leg of the six-day, 674-mile relay. But it was Gunnar Kaasen, blinded by a raging blizzard, who drove the final two legs behind his lead dog, Balto. They won worldwide fame.
Two years later, Cleveland businessman George Kimble found Balto and his team tied to a sled, underfed and abused, in a "dime museum" sideshow in Los Angeles. Outraged, he organized a campaign with The Plain Dealer that saw school kids raise $2,000 in 10 days to buy the dogs.
A month later, Cleveland gave the team a heroes welcome and parade, and a fitting home at the Brookside (now Metroparks) Zoo. After Balto died in March 1933, his body was mounted and given to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, where it remains.
In Alaska, Togo is considered "the true heroic lead dog of the run," musher Emil Churchin said. "To some, Balto had more of a purebred look and enjoyed people. Others say Balto's owner was more savvy, and Seppala was bitter that Togo didn't get the fame. Togo looks scrawny in comparison, but Togo is more like the modern racing dog." 
(SourceThe Plain DealerA mounted Balto in the exhibit at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.