Parkview members enter the Video Testimonial Contest (scroll down below the bookmarks) that covers some aspect about our library: "What would your school be like without a library? Why do you love your school library? What does your school library mean to you? What is the best thing about your school library?" Prizes include the following: "First place prize includes a $150 Chapters/Coles/Indigo gift card for your school library. The student that submits the winning video will also receive a $50 gift card!" While that is the provincial contest, I think we should set up our own contest at Parkview too!
Share your ideas for Parkview DEAR, Mon. Oct 22nd with Ms. Murrells, Ms. Chafe, &/or your classroom teachers. See below for suggestions from the officical DEAR web site:
So, here's an unofficial 'DEAR toolkit' (of sorts):
- Host a 'read-in' with students in the main lobby of your school;
- Host have a pyjama and book day ("Flashlight Reading") or some other theme day like a "Dr. Seuss Day" or "Harry Potter Day";
- Invite the local junior hockey team (or other well known group) to read with students;
- Invite seniors (Grades 11 & 12) to buddy read with younger students;
- Invite your local MLA and/or municipal politicians to join your DEAR event;
- Create a video: "Why my school library is important", "Why I love my teacher-librarian", "Random Acts of Reading", etc. that can be uploaded to the DEAR YouTube channel;
- Invite a school trustee and/or superintendent to join your school event;
- Organize a flash mob focusing on the school library (remember capture it on video) to upload to our YouTube DEAR channel;
- Host a draw, for example: "Why I love my library" and offer iTunes or Chapters gift cards as prizes;
- Invite a local author or poet to read to students;
- Invite a member of local First Nations band to do a storytelling session
What an absolutely amazing DEAR event and video. It certainly inspires me to raise the bar for this event in my school.