A Kitten
by Eleanor Farjeon
He's nothing much but fur
And two round eyes of blue,
He has a giant purr
And a midget mew.
He darts and pats the air,
He starts and cocks his ear,
When there is nothing there
For him to see and hear.
He runs around in rings,
But why we cannot tell;
With sideways leaps he springs
At things invisible -
Then half-way through a leap
His startled eyeballs close,
And he drops off to sleep With one paw on his nose.
What a wonderful month we've had reading and experiencing all sorts of poetry. Thank you to the Sicamous, Okanagan Regional Library and Mrs. Leonhart for the wonderful poetry field trip for Mrs. Taylor's class.
Poem in Your Pocket Day was sooooo fun. Thank you to all who participated and especially Mrs. Kennedy in helping with sewing the poetry pockets!
Let's keep finding and reading poems as we shift into our next learning themes.
Here's a YouTube clip and poem for you to enjoy about dogs and cats:
My dog ate my homework.
That mischievous pup
got hold of my homework
and gobbled it up.
My dog ate my homework.
It's gonna be late.
I guess that the teacher
will just have to wait.
My dog ate my homework.
He swallowed it whole.
I shouldn't have mixed it
with food in his bowl.
--Kenn Nesbitt
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